Consistent motivation catalyzes inevitabilities.
The Path can be thought of as a reservoir of educating force. The amount of educating force we receive determines how much clarity we experience. A “bandwidth” is like a river, whose size and contents is variable. Our “bandwidth” determines how much of the educating force we are able to receive and hold. A “bandwidth” is also a motivation – our reason for seeking authentic education in the first place. While the three bandwidths can seem hierarchal at first glance, common sense reveals the connection and natural evolution from the first through the third. Like any discipline, we begin The Path only capable of “holding on to” so much – that is, as beginners. Over time, our experience and realization of the efficacy of our practice then catalyzes our gradual maturity into practitioners of the third capacity.
As stated, the capacities are organized according to motivation:
Bandwidth A: The wish to eradicate some of my confusion.
Bandwidth B: The wish to eradicate all of my confusion.
Bandwidth C: The wish to eradicate all confusion.
When we begin inside of "Bandwidth A", and we start to experience more clarity, we naturally desire to inhabit as much clarity as possible. The style of education that we then receive inside of "Bandwidth B" reminds us that we don't live in a vacuum, isolated from the influence of the health of others and the health of our environment. We can see clearly that as the health of our environment and the bodies and minds of others increases, so too does the probability of our own health and happiness. Our education inside of "Bandwidth C" can begin when we sincerely and consistently carry the wish that others and our environment experience maximum health – and we have begun to take action to reinforce that wish.