*A note on how to interpret this diagram: each ring is like a moveable dial. The map is not static and the positions are not fixed in the relationships currently shown. Imagine each dial can move independently to create infinite combinations of possibilities. For example, "clarity"-"play"-"politician"-"leo"-"9,505CE" could be one possible alignment at a moment in time.
Timewalkers (traditionally known as "polymaths" or "renaissance men and women") display incredible and inspiring levels of mastery in multiple domains. Timewalkers are highly evolved beings who are able to embody archetypes at will in order to generate maximum positive impact at maximum frequency (as often as possible). In other words, Timewalkers are heroes not just in one archetype – but are heroic across the board.
Where do these types of beings come from? Is it simply an accident? Is it random? Is it genetic? The answer is, in fact, quite simple. Advanced practitioners are designated as such by an extremely heightened sensitivity to the needs of others and the environment.
Feeling others as a part of themselves, Timewalkers feel the pain of others as their own, and therefore, learn to connect with and communicate to others in as many ways as possible (diamond step three). As we mature on the path, we naturally become willing to do whatever (or go wherever) is necessary in order to be able to inspire, heal, and educate.
Graduation into "Timewalkerhood" begins by realizing both our dependence and influence upon others (diamond step one). After manifesting heroic creativity (diamond step two), we begin to sense that the deeper identity structure we carry into the world may be grown, altered, or enhanced for optimal interaction.
For example, a “mom” can be more than a “mom”, a “dad” more than a “dad”, an “executive” more than an “executive”, an “artist” more than an “artist”, and so on. Full human maturity and understanding is the ability to identify ourselves totally with, feel “at home” within, and express the “virtues” of any configuration on the map of life (oriented toward clarity, of course).
As already stated in previous diagrams, our habituated confinement of our sense of identity is the primary source of our confusion and suffering. For example, a “mother” often finds herself confronted with the loss of direction when her children leave home. “Artists” typically experience an intense aversion to working in restaurants or in offices 9 to 5. “Scientists” rarely see value in “religious faith”, and so on.
When we mistake our inherent identity as “this” opposed to “that” (rather than recognizing that both "this" and "that" are parts of ourselves), the experience of real compassion remains elusive – and the mystery of life unsolved.
We are not bound to and do not inhabit “time as a linear expression”. Each “moment of time” is a “now”, which was produced by and will produce a “now”. Within the “fluid now”, we embody and express archetypes, deliberately or unconsciously. Archetypes, like “nows”, are continuous “reservoirs of intelligent force” that exist across and throughout (beyond) time. Archetypes are timeless, meta-narratives that manifest through all of us.
Even though there is "nothing new under the sun", when we awaken to it, life is truly a magnificent opportunity to play. Each of us is free to draw from, embody, and express archetypes of our choice. Like a play, our identity within the shared story requires a costume. Costumes are interfaces. We cannot experience or interact in the world play without a costume interface.
We perceive that we are either bound to (and therefore suffering) our costumes or that we are free to deliberately construct (and therefore enjoying) our costumes. Each costume “comes with” a default set of strengths and weaknesses. Fully manifest “Timewalkerhood” is the ability to express the virtues of whatever archetype would be beneficial to any scenario or life situation.
Perception informs identity costumes. Our perceived identity (our costume) is what we perceive we are connected to and responsible for. Our perceived identity is the combination of what we want to do and what we are capable of doing for others in the world. Identity is not fantasy.