Human beings occupy spaces, literally and metaphorically. “Positions of being” exist as actions expressed in time, with greater or lesser clarity. The greater the insight, the greater the capacity to establish harmony within oneself – and to express that harmony within and throughout one’s personal and professional relationships and interactions.
Constructive occupation is choice of movement, choice of time spent, choice of pattern creation, choice of career path, and so on. Destructive occupation is invasion – the removal of choice. An occupation, therefore, is a mode of being, an archetype, or a designated structure within which only relevant manifestations can occur. In order to constructively alter what is manifesting, an archetypal transplant whose dwelling is closer to clarity is required.
Consider an individual inhabiting the position, “I have a family to feed.” As long as society functions somewhat consistently, “I have a family to feed” manifests as healthy competition. But apply pressure to social conditions, and “I have a family to feed” rapidly devolves into conflict with all other “I have a family to feed” positions.
Conversely and constructively, with or without pressure applied to social conditions, an individual inhabiting the position “We have families to feed” inspires communication, collaboration, and creative problem-solving. The degree of self-other-inclusive awareness indicates depth of clarity and determines “position of being”.

Sovereignty is positioned at the apex of being, inhabiting a state of total intimacy with all phenomena. The more in tune or in touch we are with a friend, a spouse, a child, and so on, the more clearly we can recognize what is most necessary for their growth. Similarly, but multiplied exponentially, "total intimacy" produces complete knowledge of what is necessary for all a sovereign's beloveds to find maximum expression.
Like water poured into water, communion with sovereign lucidity initiates a profound and irreversible identification with and subsequent sense of connection to and responsibility for all beings (and our environment). Such communion is the revelation of meaning, and henceforth, each sovereign action is meaningful and clear in and of itself.
Sovereigns are teachers, pioneers, instigators, friends – whatever is necessary. For someone who has been recently employed in a large company such as Dick's Sporting Goods or Uber, it would be a rare occurrence to meet the CEO. Likewise, it is nearly impossible to "meet a sovereign" unless we are approximating sovereignty ourselves. To be able to work for a company means that someone must be doing the job of running it. Sovereigns are hard at work, whether we know it or not.

Oscillation vs Evolution

Everything is moving cyclically and rhythmically – “vibrating” – according to a specific, bounded domain and function. Oscillation is not evolutionary movement. Evolution is catalyzed by the spontaneous breaking of rules. That is, in order for something to "vibrate differently" than it is currently vibrating, it must collide with a transforming force.
When we are honest with ourselves, or when we try to observe ourselves honestly, we recognize that nearly all of the activities we perform on a day to day basis are simply reactions to our fundamental fear (of death, of loss of reputation, of poverty, and so on) and our fundamental confusion (about who we really are, where we really come from, where we're going, and how to initiate causes that produce the effects we really want). Therefore, when we truly desire to gain more insight into ourselves and our experience, what is required is a "collision" with a teacher.
Since initiating deliberate, constructive change is impossible without exposure to lucidity, it is obvious why mentors are required (and why mentors are later considered "precious").