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The Four Cornerstones


Meditation – noun; the deliberate creation and performance of actions of body, speech, and mind that simultaneously benefit self and other. also referred to as: "familiarization"

Authentic meditation begins with centering ourselves – learning to create peace and rest in body, speech, and mind. This initial peace creates distance from our compulsory response-habits. In this space, we are free to re-evaluate how we would like to use the resources of body, speech, and mind.


Centering is not an end in itself. Rather, centering and harmonizing body, speech, and mind is the necessary prerequisite for being able to dedicate and offer ourselves to others, which ultimately produces the profound sense of purpose we seek to consistently experience.

​The four cornerstones represent four stages of practice. We progress from centering to creating through the gateways of thanking and forgiving, which represent the systematic expansion of our identity. Each stage serves as the foundation for the next.


The more centered we become, the more capable we become of generating sincere expressions of gratitude. The more we cultivate thanking, the more naturally we extend our hearts out to others and experience the peace and purpose of doing so.


The more we are able to extend our hearts out to others, the more we also are naturally willing to be forgiving of ourselves and others. The ability to cultivate forgiveness represents the dissolution of any lingering resentment or fear that we habitually and subliminally carry into our interactions and the world.


Being able to face the world openly, joyfully, and fearlessly is the true state of creativity we all long to experience. Creating means being courageous enough to continuously venture into previously uncharted territories — to pioneer and to light the way for others.

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