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Finishing School

The concept of Tantra in general, and Unexcelled Yoga Tantra in particular, can be most clearly understood as total identity reformation.

Our identities are habits that determine what we are capable of learning, what we are motivated to do, and how we think, feel, and act. In order to maximize our evolutionary potential, we must disengage with the fantasy of isolated identity and realize the fact of inclusive identity.

Our habitual, subliminal, and distorted perception of ourselves as isolated from other beings and phenomena is like a shell that must be broken through from the inside out. This requires tremendous psychological force.

The only energy truly capable of supporting a total identity reformation is the sincere wish to maximize our evolutionary potential in order to assist others in doing the same.

Once this wish has been irreversibly anchored into our hearts, the reformation reaction is first triggered via an intense, vivid, and sustained visualization procedure. 

The Realistic Prayer (may the actions of my body, speech, and mind serve and benefit all beings) provides the necessary emotional support for the efficacy of the visualization.

Advanced practitioners finally investigate and penetrate the subtle and super-subtle mind-body complexes, which catalyzes the completion of the reformation reaction.

This completion is akin to a quantum proximity, wherein the practitioner “gets so close” to and becomes so intimate with the mentor, the enlightened ones, others, and all phenomena that it is impossible to tell the difference between the subjective and objective. With this non-dual experience, the practitioner’s identity expands into total inclusivity.

Traditionally, these procedures are performed on multi-year retreats under the guidance of qualified mentors.

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