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Trackout Camps


Why should I enroll my child in Evercenter Track Out Camps?


Your child will return more grounded and well-rounded.

Our Values

We believe in the inherent value of each individual. We recognize the intrinsic relationship between the individual and the whole, and that families and communities improve one individual at a time. We believe that the success or failure of families and communities depends on the degree to which existing education models actually address their needs. We believe that education should inspire, empower, and prepare each individual to confidently face the challenges of an increasingly complex world. We feel strongly that, given the appropriate conditions, each individual can blossom to offer a unique perspective and talent to the world. We are committed to providing those conditions – the mental, emotional, and physical foundations upon which the next generation of responsible and compassionate leaders and innovators will stand. 

Our Curriculum

Our core curriculum – athletics, music, and gardening – has been expertly designed to foster essential components required for young adults to navigate and contribute to the world gracefully and thoughtfully. Research across multiple disciplines suggests that athletics, music, and gardening not only promote mind-body health, self-esteem, a sense of belonging, leadership, and collaborative qualities, but that they also correlate highly to cognitive development, enhanced academic performance, healthy eating habits, and family harmony.

Benefits of Athletics

  1. Physical Health 

  2. Mental Health

  3. Social Relationships

  4. Academic Performance

  5. Family Satisfaction



Engaging in regular physical activity can lower the chances of children developing musculoskeletal degenerative conditions, cardiovascular diseases, obesity, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. Additionally, involvement in sports and physical activities is associated with making healthier choices, such as consuming more fruits and vegetables, while being less likely to engage in undesirable behaviors like smoking and using illicit drugs.



Regular exercise can provide an outlet for teens and adolescents to deal with negative stressors by allowing for the release of pent-up emotions, creating a “space away” from everyday life, and fostering the release of chemicals such as endorphins and norepinephrine-- also powerful tools to combat depression and anxiety. Participation in athletics is also associated with enhanced body image and feelings of self-worth, which also counteract depression. Teenagers who engage in sport also demonstrate a reduction in suicidal thoughts and tendencies.



Physical activity and organized sports teach adolescents important social skills such as communication, acceptance of others, friendship, and conflict resolution. Athletics also help to integrate children’s lives within their school communities, increasing participation in other extracurricular activities and improving academic performance. Student athletes report higher levels of social engagement and popularity compared to their non-athlete counterparts. Young people who participate in organized sports are also more likely to be involved in community activities as adults.



More athletes than non-athletes enjoyed greater levels of high academic achievement. Athletes not only have higher grades than non-athletes, but also study longer and are more likely to be enrolled in a university two years after high school.



Sports serve as a platform for children and their parents to spend time together and foster positive connections that extend beyond the athletic realm. Children’s involvement with sports is often associated with more harmony, cohesion, trust and communication between parents and children. Families report higher levels of satisfaction if their children participate in organized youth sports.

Benefits of Music

  1. Cognitive Development

  2. Academic Performance

  3. Cultural Awareness & Diversity

  4. Emotional Well-Being

  5. Social Skills & Teamwork



There is a significant link between early music instruction and cognitive growth in children-- including abstract reasoning, working memory, language acquisition, attention span, and fluid intelligence. Music lessons in childhood are associated with small but general and long-lasting intellectual benefits in the realm of cognitive development. 



Students who engage in music programs outperform their non-musical peers by every indicator: GPA, graduation rate, ACT scores, attendance, and disciplinary referrals. High schoolers who take music courses score significantly better on exams in other subjects, including math, science, and English.



Music is the universal bridge that transcends borders, languages, and perspectives. Melodies and lyrics of different musical genres have the remarkable ability to expose children and teenagers to diverse cultures and experiences. This exposure not only broadens their horizons but also promotes tolerance and cultural awareness, making music a powerful tool for fostering a more inclusive and interconnected society.



Music can serve as a powerful emotional outlet, helping children and teenagers express their feelings and cope with stress, anxiety, or sadness. It can uplift their mood, boost self-esteem, and provide a sense of belonging and identity. Achieving musical milestones and performing in front of others can boost self-esteem and self-confidence. Success in musical endeavors can translate into increased self-belief in various areas of life.



Adolescent involvement in music often involves collaboration in bands, orchestras, or choirs. Group music making helps young people develop social skills, build interpersonal relationships, and fosters a sense of cooperation, teamwork, and communication with one’s peers. Music therapy has also been shown to improve social outcomes for children with social or developmental deficits, such as autism and ADHD.

Benefits of Gardening

  1. Nutrition & Healthy Eating Habits

  2. Stress Reduction & Mental Well-being

  3. Environmental Awareness & Connection

  4. Physical Activity & Exercise

  5. Life Skills Development



Studies show that gardening significantly increases vegetable consumption in children, whereas nutritional education programs alone are only minimally effective. Gardening increases access to vegetables and decreases children's reluctance to try new foods. Children and teenagers are more likely to try a variety of fresh produce when they have grown it themselves, promoting healthier eating habits.



Gardening activities, such as tending to plants and being in a natural environment, can have a calming effect and improve mental well-being. Access to green spaces not only improves relaxation in adolescents, but can even promote memory, competence, moderate stress, and even improve behaviors and symptoms of ADHD. Into adulthood, community gardeners report higher levels of resilience and optimism than non-gardeners.



Gardening helps children and teenagers develop a deeper understanding of the natural world. They learn about ecosystems, plant life cycles, and the importance of conserving and protecting the environment. In a survey of over 200 environmental educators from around the world, the strongest predictor of environmental concern was the amount of outdoor experience they had as children. 



Gardening is a physical activity that encourages children and teenagers to spend time outdoors, engage in moderate exercise, and develop physical coordination and strength. Incorporating gardening into school lessons increases children’s physical activity and decreases sedentary time throughout the school day.



Gardening teaches children and teenagers important life skills such as patience, responsibility, problem-solving, and teamwork. They learn to care for plants and understand the consequences of their actions on the garden's health. Adolescents who participate in gardening programs show significant improvement in “life skills” such as those from the Youth Life Skills Inventory (YLSI) – teamwork, self-understanding, leadership, decision making skills, communication skills, and volunteerism.

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