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Rain or Shine,
We Go Hard.
Literally. Every session takes place outside on the field, regardless of weather.
Our Method

physical coordination,
mind-body coordination,
inter-personal coordination
physical agility,
emotional resilience,
mental pliancy
commitment to personal aim,
capacity to motivate and lead others
responsibility to family & community
maximizing & harmonizing individual purpose in service to community
It Works
Strength of Character
Team sports, multiplied by thoughtfully designed training programs and coaching, is arguably the most effective method for equipping adolescents and young adults with essential life skills.
There is no escaping our connection to others – or the connection we have to our past and our future ("coordination"). The quality of our interactions with others – and the quality of our future – depends on our capacity to properly evaluate and respond to our daily challenges ("adaptability"). The more deeply we commit ourselves to healthy relationships and a prosperous future, the more clear our daily course of action becomes ("vision"). As we learn to recognize how influential others are to our own success, we naturally become motivated to support their success ("empathy").

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